Crafting Your Backyard Oasis – Part 1

DSCF4462What if we told you that you didn’t have to travel to Mexico, Jamaica or the Bahamas to experience a true oasis? A place where you can escape: A place where – even if for a few moments – you don’t have to worry about soccer games, business meetings and cheerleading camps, or worry about trying to find times that work best to vacation with your family. Forget the worry of booking flights or finding an affordable rent car to make the trip. Build your own oasis – your own outdoor living area – right in your own backyard!

What do you want your backyard to feel like? Where’s your beautiful outdoor grill going to sit? Before plunging into a backyard renovation, take time to explore what you want your backyard to look like… what you want it to “feel” like.  Do you have a pool? If so – you’ll need to plan around this as it’s your main focus in most cases.  Will you entertain others in this area, or just yourself and your family? Consider lighting, ambiance (fire pits, anyone?) and seating.

It’s worth taking measurements of your backyard to see exactly how much space you have to work with for different projects. Draw it out on a sheet of paper and roughly estimate where backyard additions might fit within the space that you have. Where will you cook? Where will friends and family gather when eating? Do you have room to host the amount of guests you’d like?

Here’s the fun part—after having to think through and plan what you’re backyard oasis will become, it’s time to get after it. Instead of option for a backyard gas grill, why not consider a backyard kitchen?

Interested? Call us – we’ll come out and give you an honest opinion on how to maximize your backyard space, and build your very own outdoor entertaining showplace.  Tune in for more on “Crafting Your Backyard Oasis” for short steps and great tips to help you create your own getaway.