3 Treatments for Troublesome Grass Spots

Texas LandscaperKeeping your grass thick, green and bright during Texas summers can be a real hassle. Texas heat can punish it’s landscaping and really effect thick blades of grass, leaving them withered and yellow. But it doesn’t have to be that way, here’s 3 troublesome areas and how they can be treated to ensure that you’ll have the best yard on your block!

Treating Pet Spots

You’ve seen them before – the bright, discolored spots left from pet urine that can turn a green backyard into a replica of swiss cheese. Opt for a fertilizer treatment that will balance out the salt in urine by holding in moisture. It’s important to make sure that your fertilizer choice contains nitrogen to help fill in the gaps between where the grass has died.


What about when Texas droughts strike? This can be even more frustrating if your city has a water restriction system in place. Also – raise the mower blade and cut your grass higher during droughts. The extra thickness and length of the grass blades will shade the roots and more shade means less water evaporation.


A common issue that lawn owners face is how to grow grass in the shade. Don’t be discouraged, even with little sunlight, grass can grow in a shady spot.  Fertilizing these areas with phosphorus can help establish stronger-than-normal roots and, when watered lightly, the roots are able to better develop.

Be careful when applying herbicide to grass hidden in shady areas. Instead, opt to let it grow out slightly more than the rest of the yard. Often times, it’s not even noticeable.